Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Hot Messi - An Argentine Burger

We now interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you this. The Hot Messi.  A 1/2 lb burger loaded with Argentinian flavors that will kick your ass.

I hope you give this a try because it was definitely one of my favorite burgers and so easy to make.

The Hot Messi - Makes 2 1/2 lb burgers

The Patty:
1 lb of 80/20 ground beef
1/4 cup parsley
2 garlic cloves minced
1 tsp smoked paprika
Salt and Pepper to taste

Salsa Criolla:
1 bell pepper (or several mini bell peppers)
1 thai pepper (can omit if you can't handle the heat)
1 large shallot
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp red wine vinegar
salt to taste
Juice from 1/4 lime

Chimichurri Sauce:
1/2 cup parsley
1/4 cup cilantro
1/8 cup fresh oregano (use 1/2 this amount of using dried)
1 garlic clove
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
2 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper

1 Argentinian chorizo sausage (similar to Italian sausage)
2 slices of manchego cheese

To make the salsa criolla:
1. This step is optional, and by optional I mean mandatory, toast the peppers and shallots over an open flame, or in a very hot oven until the skin blackens and blisters.  Then under cool running water, scrub off the blackened bits.

2.  Dice into 1 cm pieces and mix together with the oil, vinegar, lime juice and salt.  Let it sit for 10 minutes for the flavors to meld, the longer the better.   Taste for final seasoning.

To make the chimichurri:
1. In a food processor, combine all ingredients and blend until desired consistency. I like mine a little chunky, but you can go as smooth as you'd like

To make the burger:
1. Gently combine the meat, parsley, garlic, paprika and salt.  Be careful not to overwork the patty.  Form into 1/2 inch thick patties.  Make sure to indent the middle of the patty to prevent it from puffing up.  You'll want to make the patties last since the salt will denature the proteins and you'll end up with more of a meatloaf than a burger if you leave them for too long.  If you want to make ahead, omit the salt and just liberally season the patty before you cook.

2.  In a hot skillet, pan fry the patty, or take it the grill.  When you see that the cooked part reaches half way up the patty, it's time to flip.  Since there's very little to bind the patty, you don't want to flip it more than once.  Lay a slice of cheese on the patty and cook the other side for another 2-3 minutes.  To be safe, check with a probe thermometer for a 140F internal temp (medium).

While cooking the patties, you can also cook the sausage.  Once the outside is crispy and blistered, butterfly the sausage to cook and crisp up the inside.

Final Assembly:
1. Toast the buns in the skillet, letting it absorb the meat drippings.
2. Put down a layer of arugula and spoon on some chimichurri. Then top with the patty and sausage.  Finally, spoon on some salsa criolla.

I hope you give this a try, I guarantee you you'll feel like this afterwards:

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